1. Help (F1): Full-text search and index search

Using F1 the CADENAS Help is opened. By default, on the left, the tabbed page Content is selected.

When performing a search in the input field Search... on the right, the results are displayed below. After clicking a search result in the index tree on the left, the respective chapter is selected so that you can see where you are (in which book and in which chapter).

Tabbed page "Content"

Tabbed page "Content"

Using the tabbed page Index in addition is recommended (you can switch between Content and Index anytime.) Often you will find the needed information quicker here.

Tabbed page "Index"

Tabbed page "Index"


Especially in Index, it's better to search with less detailed terms in order not to exclude any helpful results (meaning e.g. "sketch" instead of "import sketch").


Detailed information on how to use the program help can be found in all manuals under chapter FAQ -> Help.